Sunday, November 22, 2009

Present the future to the present self.

Presenting the future tense.
A hypothetical notion that gives humans the right to selfish devotions based on a statistical "maybe".
A plan or strategy to dictate the next few years based on self or collective interpretations of current events.
A desire to avoid the truth about today by promising a better life in the hours of tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a better day,
Tomorrow will be a new day,
Tomorrow, it will all go away.
Presenting the present tense.
A presence that exists right now, with no escape into the what-if realm
A current event that gives people the self-perceived right to plan ahead.
A desire to avoid the unknowns of tomorrow by consciously living by the minutes that control the hours.
Today is a beautiful day,
Today is a new day,
Today, it will all be taken care of.
Presenting the conditional tense.
The dependent clause that results from the independent.
The future that results from the present.
For every action there is a reaction.
But if the future is a reaction to a present action, then why create hypotheticals ?
Why make an educated guess on what is to come based on something that has not yet been done ?
Fear? Protection? Or the satisfaction of being in control ?
If X results in Y, then why predict Y if X is still a variable ?
because X was not, nor will be created in a vacuum.

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